Glendale Signs on to the New Alert Hamilton County System
This month the Village of Glendale is transitioning from the Code Red emergency phone notification system to the new Alert Hamilton County notification system. The new Hamilton County system is more sophisticated than Code Red, in that you may register online, add your email, cell and home phone numbers, and then choose the settings of what information you wish included in your future alerts. There is no charge or expense when you register your information. You may also add information about your household members and pets should there ever be an emergency to you or your property. Alerts are then sent to you by text, email or a phone call; as you determined when setting up your family account preferences.
We need your help in loading your contact information. While we will gather your home phone information from Cincinnati Bell records, the true value of the new system will be realized when you create and populate your personal family account at www.alerthc.org . You will be able to establish a login name and create a password, and then you will be asked for pertinent information that will greatly help in determining what type of alerts you wish, where and how they will be sent, and other critical information that will also be available to the 911 operators should you ever call 911 with an emergency. The Village of Glendale will also have the ability to send out important notices to you, so you will need to be sure to say yes to Municipal Alerts option in your account’s preferences. All of the information that you add into your account will remain private.
Please take a moment to set up your account and have peace of mind in knowing that you will receive important notices from the Village of Glendale, Emergency Hamilton County notices, and that should you ever need call 911 they will know lifesaving information about you and your family.
Create an account today at this link:
If you are unable to create your personal account online, please call the Village Office at 771-7200 and ask for Fire Chief Kevin Hardwick and we will make arrangements to assist you.
More information about the Hamilton County Alert system can be found online at: