Former Mayor, Ralph Hoop, and Glendale Garden Club Proclamation
Glendale's Garden Clubs
Glendale Garden Crafters
Bett Kooris ... (513) 771-5145
One of four women's garden clubs in the Village, the Glendale Garden Crafters was formed in 1921 with the goal of learning improved methods of gardening and participating in the general beautification of Glendale. Active membership is limited to forty and there are five meetings a year, with a luncheon and speaker. The Christmas Doorways contest was begun in 1938 and continues to this day. The Glendale Garden Crafters has undertaken community flower shows, beautified the Village, and taken care of Carruthers Park which is located on Congress Avenue at the Lake.
The Glendale Garden Club
President.....................Beverly Rieckhoff
Vice President................Libby Hamrick
Secretary.....................Pat Huth
Treasurer.....................Anne Foster
The Glendale Garden Club was founded in 1915 by a group of dedicated
Glendale gardeners, and has continued that dedication into the present.
The Club performs many service projects, as well as funding worthwhile
Village endeavors. Membership is limited to 35 and is through invitation
only from an existing member. There are eight meetings September through
May, and a holiday party in December. The Club is responsible for the
upkeep of Rogan Park in the Village Square.
Glendale Centennial Gardeners
Maureen Base-Smith......... President
Rebecca Barker............. Vice-President
Michelle Evans............. Treasurer
Sue Buescher............... Recording Secretary
Katie Turner............... Corresponding Secretary
The Glendale Centennial Gardeners was formed in the year of Glendale's Centennial, 1955. The mission of the Club as a non-profit, charitable organization is to the dedication to beautifying the community through gardening and promoting interest and developments in this field. Active membership is limited to 35 and new membership is through the sponsorship of an active member according to Club Rules. The Glendale Centennial Gardeners hold nine breakfast meetings throughout the year which include a meal and program. Garden plots at the north section of the Village Square near the Depot, and between the Village Office and Bank are maintained by the Centennial Garden Club. The Centennial Gardeners also decorate the lampposts and signs throughout the Village at Christmas. We also have designed a tree walk through the Village and identified specific trees.
Men's Garden Club
(513) 772-4685
This club is a loosely organized group of men interested in the beautification of the Village. The men help to decorate the Village lampposts in the Square at Christmas, maintain the flower pots by the merchants in the Village Square and maintain the plantings in the parking area on Sharon Road.
The Village Gardeners of Glendale
Officers 2018 - 2019
President . . . . . . . . .. Susan McCormick
Vice President . . . . . . . Marilyn Duke
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . Gina Velleca
Recording Secretary . . . . . Judy Skyllingstad
Corresponding Secretary . . . Pam Geers
Square Care Co-chairs . . . . Mariana Briner and Pam Geers
To contact VGG, you may email: vggflowers@gmail.com
The Village Gardeners of Glendale are responsible for the wonderful display of flowers located on the two islands in the Village Square. Over the years they have continually improved the fountain and gardens by installing paving stones and benches, an automatic sprinkling system and creating exciting Victorian floral displays. The Garden Club has a membership limited to 40, with new members proposed and seconded by two active members. There are monthly meetings from September through May. The Garden Club's largest fund raiser is the annual flower sale which begins in February, with flowers delivered to homes the weekend before Mother's Day.