Glendale’s CIC is a non-profit corporation organized to promote, encourage and facilitate economic development within Glendale. In recent years, the Mayor and Council had found that the Village did not have sufficient authority and flexibility when working toward economic development, and particularly when engaging in real estate transactions. The Village could not negotiate with potential buyers or lessees of property regarding the terms of a sale or lease. Instead, the Village could only publish a request for bids and wait to see who responded. If no one met the Village’s asking price or other terms of sale, the bid request had to be re-published to seek new bids. To anyone whohas ever purchased a new home this sounds crazy, but it is the system that Ohio law imposes on municipalities.

A CIC is not subject to these limitations. The Mayor and Council believe that the CIC, which can negotiate, will enhance our abilities to promote economic development, strengthen our businesses, and obtain better and faster results for the Village.

Board of Directors
Don Lofty
Mike Beaugrand
Mike Besl
Geoff Base-Smith
Tom Breidenstein
Bob Johnson
Joan Verchot
                Chairman GPHPC

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