One of Glendale's Black Squirrels by Rachel Schmid (click to enlarge)
So, what's with the squirrels? Well, in the 1940s Thomas Carruthers III, a Glendale businessman, brought two pairs of black squirrels to the village from the resort town of Harbor Springs, Mich. Two weeks hadn't passed before someone shot one of the squirrels and its hide was prominently displayed on the wall of a local tavern. That left three black squirrels remaining, but they managed to populate Glendale's tree-rich environment, and now Glendale is one of the few places that can claim a large population of these furry little fellows. Over the years, Glendale has become well known for the black squirrels and, well it just seemed logical to celebrate the village's 150th birthday with hand painted, four-foot tall, fiberglass squirrels scattered merrily throughout our town.