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Contributing Structure Information

Historic Contributing Structures Inventoried In Glendale

During the July 1 Council meeting, Ord. 2004-14 received its first of three readings.   This ordinance will soon recognize over 300 homes in Glendale that were once referred to as Background Structures.   The new name will become Contributing Structures. To be a contributing structure, a Glendale home must be over 50 yrs old, of more than ordinary architecture or historic merit, and generally contribute to the historic fabric of the National Historic District in Glendale.

After almost two years, the list is nearly complete and contains some 315 homes in the Historic District. This is not to say the list is final, as additions or deletions may still take place over the next 3 months of public participation. During next months Council Meeting, 80 E. Sharon Avenue, the Council is inviting members of the public to a hearing at the beginning of its regular meeting (begins at 7pm on Monday, August 2nd). Questions, information and feedback are being solicited at this meeting and members of the public are encouraged to attend.

While once called Background Structures, these homes will soon be named Contributing Structures. The Village has three categories of homes in its Historic District: Pivotal Structures (59), Contributing Structures (apx. 315) and Non-Contributing Structures (the remaining homes in the Historic District).  Contributing Structures will still receive permit reviews by our Glendale Planning & Historic Preservation Commission (GPHP) for appropriately designed additions and exterior remodelings. This change resulted at the request of historic preservation experts that have been reviewing and cleaning up our historic preservation ordinances. A legal notice will be run the two weeks prior to the August Council meeting to invite residents that wish to learn more and participate.

Walter Cordes

Legal Notice

Contributing Structure List

Contributing Structure Ordinance 2004-12


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