Recycling in Glendale

During World War II Glendale's garbage collection included recycling for the war effort.
Note the bushel basket hanging from the truck, which was used for collecting recyclable items.

Glendale Residents Recycled 314.16 Tons in 2012

Congratulations Glendale residents! In 2012, we recycled 314.16 tons of metal, glass, plastic and paper. That is equal to the weight of 63 Asian elephants. Residents saved resources, conserved energy, and reduced pollution by recycling.

The recycling efforts in Glendale:

·  Conserved enough energy to power every home in Glendale for 16 days.

·  Reduced more greenhouse gas pollution than if every household in 
   Glendale rode their bicycle to work for almost three months.

·  Saved 2,486 trees from being harvested.
Recycling reduces pollution so the air we breathe is cleaner, conserves natural resources so we will have them to use in the future, and decreases the energy needed to make new products. Recycling also boosts our local economy by creating 169,000 jobs (4.3% of all jobs) just in the State of Ohio.

On average, each household in Glendale recycled 667 pounds in 2012. That’s 26.12% of all the waste we generate. If you would like to see even more material recycled in 2013, check out the list below to make sure you include all these materials in your recycling bin. Don’t have a bin? Glendale makes it easy! Call 771-7200 to request your bin or cart today.

Good Work, Glendale, our recycling efforts made a big difference!

Recyclable Materials:

· Plastic bottles and jugs (lids are OK if left on empty bottle)

· Aluminum and steel cans

· Empty aerosol cans (remove and dispose of lids and tips)

· Glass bottles and jars (remove and recycle lids)

· Paperboard (cereal boxes, etc.)

· Junk mail and envelopes

· Magazines, catalogs, and phone books

· Newspapers

· Cardboard

· Office Paper

· Brown grocery bags

· Clean pizza boxes

Have a question about recycling? Call Hamilton County’s Recycling Hotline at 946-7766, visit www.HamiltonCountyRecycles.org, or ask a question on Facebook (www.facebook.com/HamiltonCountyRecycling), or Twitter (www.twitter.com/HamCoRecycling).

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off
Program Begins and Earth Day 2012
Commit to Anti-Idling this Earth Day
New Information - November 2012

Most Improved Community Recycling Program Award: Village of Glendale - 2011

Where to Recycle Odd Items

Learn all about back yard composting


Glendale Curbside Recycling: Everything you need to get started!

Why Recycle? We all know its good for the environment, but did you know its good for our local economy too?

What happens to recycled materials once they are picked up by Rumpke?

Batteries, Paint and Oil - Hazardous Waste Recycling Options

Where can I find more information?

Getting Started

Glendale begins curbside recycling the week of July 5th. 65-gallon wheeled carts or 18-gallon recycle bins are being delivered the week of June 28

Recycling is easy…give it a try!

The benefits to the environment are well known, but did you know it makes good economic sense too? See the Why Recycle? (hyperlink) section for more information.

Collect items from your household for recycling. Place materials in the 65-gallon wheeled bin

The recyclable bin is picked up the same day as your regular garbage pick up

Place the wheeled bin at your curb the night before your scheduled garbage pick up day

Learning what to recycle and what not to recycle takes only a few minutes of your time. Place a list on your refrigerator or near your recycle bin (after a short time, it becomes second nature). You don’t need to sort the items you recycle, simply throw everything into the bin or cart and place at the curb for pickup by Rumpke.

Tip: To make recycling easier and as a visible reminder, place a small container (these come in attractive designs in metal, plastic, rattan, wicker, etc) to hold recyclables in your kitchen or near you garbage can.


ALL Glass (Any Color) - Remove caps. It is okay to leave the labels on. Please do not include broken glass.
ALL Plastic – if the mouth of the container is smaller than the body, it’s recycleable. Remove the caps. It is okay to leave the labels on.
Cans - aluminum, bi-metal beverage, steel, and tin. It is okay to leave the labels on.
Corrugated cardboard, packaging style boxes with fluted or waffled center. Paper- Newspaper, magazines, catalogs, office paper, junk mail, envelopes with or without windows, brown paper bags, telephone books.
Fiberboard boxes including cereal, detergent, AND PIZZA BOXES (with all greese and food residue removed) etc.
Aerosol Cans- remove lids and tips.


NO wet or soiled newspapers
NO Plastics with mouth larger than the body of the container
NO plastic bags
NO pyrex, auto glass, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, drinking glasses, or ceramics, or herbicide containers
NO household plastic-furniture or toys, food wrap, soft plastic shopping bags, hard bottle caps
NO paint cans, large pieces of metal, or car parts
NO aluminum foil, TV trays, metal cups
NO old toys, foil like paper such as cream cheese wrappers, no hangers, wires, nuts, or bolts
NO soiled food containers
NO Styrofoam
NO lids/caps

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Why should I Recycle?

Glendale’s Recycling Program

The Village of Glendale started a curbside recycling program in response to residents concern for the environment and to make recycling easy and convenient. But did you know that Curbside recycling will increase economic benefits to the village, and stimulate our local and state economy?

Glendale’s average recycling rate was 23.96% of total waste pickup for the first half of 2012!


By recycling for one year, each household:
        Preserves 2 trees
        Saves 32 gallons of gasoline
        Conserves enough energy to power an entire house for 15 days
        Reduces greenhouse gas emissions equal to not driving your car for 8 weeks

Recycling common household items reduces the amount of material sent to the “Mount Rumpke” landfill and actually stimulates our economy!


The recycling industry represents an important part of the economy in Ohio. Manufacturers turn old plastic, paper, glass, steel, and aluminum into new products like packaging, appliances, and fiberglass insulation. In fact, the recycling industry supports 4.3% of all the jobs in Ohio.1

Recycling your waste creates more jobs than the alternatives. Incinerating 10,000 tons of waste creates one job, landfilling 10,000 tons of waste creates six jobs, but recycling 10,000 tons of waste creates 36 jobs!2 How? Instead of burning or burying that garbage, you transform your waste into a valuable resource that reenters the economy, fueling manufacturing. Some materials, like glass and aluminum, can be recycled indefinitely.
Where does it go?
        Glass becomes fiberglass insulation
        Mixed paper and cardboard recycled locally into more paper or paper towels
        Plastic bottles become industrial strapping, carpet, and plastic lumber
        Aluminum and steel become more cans, car parts, or appliances

Ohioans working in the recycling industry have good paying jobs as well. Annual wages in the recycling industry average $36,000, which is $8,000 more per year than the state’s average wage. Ohio’s recycling industries pay $6 billion statewide in annual wages.1

1. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, “2001 Recycling Economic Impact Study,” 2003.
2. Environmental Protection Agency, “Resource Conservation Challenge: Campaigning Against Waste,” EPA 530-F-02-033, 2002.


The more we recycle, the more money the Village of Glendale is eligible to receive from the Hamilton County Solid Waste Management District (SWMD). As part of the SWMD mission, the District divides $1,050,000 annually in funds among Hamilton County communities as an incentive to increase recycling.

In 2009, Glendale recycled at a rate of 9.25%, that's in the bottom half of all Hamilton County communities. Glendale's share of the funds was $2,832.00. By increasing our recycling rate, Glendale will receive a greater share of the fund.

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What happens to recycled materials once they are picked up by Rumpke?

Most of the residential recyclable materials that are collected in Hamilton County are delivered to the Rumpke Recycling Facility in St. Bernard, where they are sorted and marketed to end users.

        Newspaper is remanufactured into a variety of materials such as insulation, paper tubes and packaging.
        PETE is used for polyester clothing, carpeting and roofing materials.
        HDPE is used to make irrigation pipe and drainage tiles.
        Glass is used to make new containers and fiberglass.
        Aluminum cans are used to make new cans.
        Steel is used to make new steel products.

For more information about the Rumpke Recycling Process and Facility http://www.rumpkerecycling.com/index.aspx

Recycling Trucks:
Why do the waste collectors often put the recyclables into the same truck as garbage? In some cases, a residential-type garbage truck (rear-loader) is used to collect recyclables. These materials go directly to the recycling facility. At the recycling facility, materials that should not have been put in the recycling bin, i.e., plastic food trays, plastic bags, butter tubs, etc., must be sorted out and sent to the landfill for proper disposal. Rumpke Recycling now accepts all small mouth plastic bottles & jugs. Pizza boxes (free from food and grease) are now accepted as well.

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How can I recycle or properly dispose of my Household Hazardous Materials?

You can receive updated information by checking the Household Hazardous Waste Homepage
http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org/index.php?page=hhw-drop-off-program or by calling the HHW Hotline at 946-7766.

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Where can I find more information?

What are the benefits of Recycling? http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org/index.php?page=recycling-benefits
How does Recycling work? http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org/index.php?page=recycling-process
How is Glendale doing at recycling vs the rest of Hamilton County? http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org/index.php?page=how-much-your-community-recycles
What is 'hazardous waste', and how can I safely dispose of it ? http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org/index.php?page=household-hazardous-waste
How can I dispose of Computer and Electronic equipment? http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org/index.php?page=computer-and-electronics
Frequently asked questions about Recycling http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org/index.php?page=recycling-faq-s
How Big is the Recycling Opportunity? PDF/recycle_facts_082909.pdf

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Visit the Abitibi Website HERE

A third drop-off site in Glendale is at the Village of Glendale service department at 528 E. Sharon Avenue.


Here is the link with the household hazardous waste information:


Here is the link with the computer recycling program information:



Hazardous waste is not permitted, nor will it be collected as part of your garbage. These items, in part, can include caustic chemicals, acids, liquid paints, flammable liquids, solvents, drain cleaners, tires, batteries and more. For disposal of Hazardous items, contact the Hamilton County Environmental Services:

Call 513-946-7766 or email susan.schumacher@hamilton-co.org

Or, CLICK HERE to visit their website.

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recycle - recycles

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2008-2012 © Village of Glendale, Ohio