Public Official Roster 2017
Meet the Mayor
Village Administration
Police Department
Public Works
Fire Department
Village Council
Clerk & Treasurer
Glendale Solicitor
Park Board
Building Department
Glendale Planning and Historic Preservation Commission
Magistrate Court
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Glendale Codified Ordinances
This online version of the code may, occasionally, differ from, and omit the most recent updates and amendments to, the official version and should be relied upon for general information purposes only. The officially published version of the Code is available through the village office, 30 Village Square, Glendale, Ohio 45246.

Glendale Zoning Map
Codified Ordinances
Search Chapters 150 through 157

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)

Office:       Name:                 Elect/Apt.        Term  Expiration:

Chairman      Tom Breidenstein      A 01/01/19         (5)  01/01/24
Secretary     Scott Thurman         A 01/01/20         (5)  01/01/25
Member        David Hamilton        A 01/01/18         (5)  01/01/23
Member        Garry Terrell         A 01/01/20 (Apt.)  (5)  01/01/22
Member        Nancy Floyd           A 01/01/17         (5)  01/01/22